I toyed with the "Turkish Delight" theme for ages, when coming up with a blog title, but as well as being just a touch predictable (not that "a slice of" is much better) I realised 'delight' just didn't quite get there in describing my time. Exciting, challenging, rewarding: yep, yep, yep, but not really what you'd describe as 'delightful'.
I was at a conference for all our leaders working in countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Most of the tricky ones, basically. The ones that keep an HR guy awake at night. I knew in theory the kind of situations my friends faced in those countries, but there is something about being in the midst of all these leaders that has a fresh impact. I'm humbled by the difference between the worlds we both live in.
Two things brought it home to me. On the first morning I was there, someone was speaking on the value of teams and asked the question "What makes you feel safe in a team?" I have asked this kind of question to groups before and the answers normally revolve around strength of relationships, openness and vulnerability. In the feedback, one answer cut through like a knife: "I feel safe on a team when I know my brother will give his life for me". This was not a metaphor or over-dramatisation. This is the reality of life and the risks taken in embracing others when in ministry and living as a believer.
The other was while singing worship songs. I've always liked the song "Blessed be your name". It's a cheery, worshipful little number. All was going well until the refrain "you give and take away, you give and take away; my heart will choose to say: Lord blessed be your name." Many of these leaders have lost friends and comrades this year through war and persecution and know first hand the impact of singing these words and embracing their meaning. I cried.