Paul: I grew up in a church that has always had an unusually high commitment to mission. Some of my earliest memories are of praying for “our missionaries” whether they were workers on the base in Papua New Guinea, (Brian and Rachel) medical mission (at times on hovercraft- how cool!) on lake Chad (David & Ros) or the truly cross-cultural work that took place in Wythenshawe, Manchester – the largest Council Housing estate in Europe (Ken & Cynthia). They all captivated me in different ways and although I would never have admitted it at the time, theses were my heroes as I grew up. In particular, I was fascinated by Kitty and Leslie who have committed most of their lives to the Chatino translation of the Bible in Mexico. What a legacy!
These were the things and people that were going through my head as I sat on a plane heading for Mexico last week. To go to a country that has been so formative in my thoughts and prayers concerning mission over the years – and go there as a ‘missionary’ – had a profound impact on me (I’d emailed Kitty and Leslie the day before just to say “guess where I’m going!”).
I was heading to a city called Puebla, where our national office is. It did cause the adrenalin to pump just a little, being in a city overlooked by an active and smoking volcano, but no-one else seemed to mind much. (It was a great flight in, weaving between mountains!) I was there, along with Karen (on my team) to help the national leadership team think through and develop their HR functions. It was an excellent time. There’s always the tricky stuff to work through when you are looking to move a ministry forward, but it was so exciting to see the plan for developing Human Resources and moving the ministry forward, that we came up with by the end of our time there.
If you’d like to join my spiritual heritage in interceding for Mexico, then please do remember Kim and the rest of the team there as they seek to grow and have a wider impact on the spiritual climate in this nation. Thanks.