
Wednesday, 9 July 2008

A Day in the House of.....

We have a big old house and I love it. It’s the place Lesley and I always talked about having as a hub for integrating family life and the other folk that God has seen fit to put in our life right now. Some times it’s a haven for the four of us to re-group, particularly after we’ve had time apart, but then every so often we have a day like this:

The day before some friends called and said they were in Birmingham and could they (and their 2 kids) come and stay for a day or 2 which was going to add to the fun! I was on kids-to-school duty as Lesley had to be down in London for the day. Ironically, all our London team leaders were spending the day in our front lounge. I was leading a training session with the 4 of them (I think it went rather well). One of Lesley’s team was leading the afternoon session as I had an “all day meeting” with my team, via videophone (“all day” doesn’t start until 2pm when everyone else is in Orlando). I left them all downstairs while I retired to the study for the meeting.

It all got rather busy downstairs mid-afternoon as the family staying with us had kindly offered to pick up our kids, so our friends and the 4 assorted children had the run of the back of the house with the training session still running in the lounge!

As the trainees departed, our friends (who used to live in Brum) had invited a couple of their friends round for the evening. It’s quite bizarre (but wasn’t the first time) to come downstairs from a meeting and have to say “Hi; I’m Paul. I live here. Who are you?”

Lesley came home just in time to also introduce herself and say goodbye to our dinner guests. The 4 of us sat down with a cup of tea. One of about 40 cups that had been made that day. Just another day in the house of the Cheeses………