Many folk go to South Africa and Namibia to see “the big 5” – a (seemingly variable) group of animals that used to be sought out for hunting, but now most of the shooting is done through long-lensed cameras. We, however, were there for a different “big 5” reasons.
1) Agape UK sent out some staff to live in Namibia last year, and Lesley had the privilege of paying them a visit 8 months in, to see how they were getting along. Geoff and Caroline are good friends of ours and although it was a ‘work’ visit it was such a joy to base ourselves from their home for the 3 weeks we were there, and share a bit of their lives. They’re having a great time and a great ministry and we loved being with them.
2) We timed the visit to coincide with a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Namibian ministry. As Agape UK staff members (a couple now back on Lesley’s team) established the work in Namibia it was very special to be representing the UK at the celebration week.
3) Paul needed to visit the South African ministry (South Africa is next door to Namibia if you’re still trying to place it!) to help them evaluate and asses some of their work. The ministry have had a tough time over the past few years and as is often is the case, Paul’s role ended up being more of a listening ear than anything else. If you’re the praying type, do ask God to heal and restore and cause the ministry to thrive amidst a turbulent social and political situation.
4) Our regional office for Southern and Eastern Africa is also in Pretoria and as there is a transition of leadership in Human Resources, Paul wanted to meet up with the out-going leader to de-brief and plan some of the transition. Like many places in the world, leaders are hard to come by for this vital role and it will be a while before we find a permanent solution.
5) the last of our ‘big 5’ reasons was for Paul to meet with the HR leader in Namibia to give a bit of training. This didn’t happen. Niina and her husband had been considering adopting a child for a while, but hadn’t taken any decisive steps forward in it. However, the Friday before Paul and Niina were to meet up, she ‘bumped into’ someone she knew form the adoption agency who asked her to fill in the adoption papers and bring them into the office on Monday as they had a baby she just knew would be perfect for them. They took them in Monday morning and by midday, the baby was in their arms and on her way home with them, amidst the chaos of getting everything you need for a new baby. (I’d love to tell you the complete story when I see you next!). This has to rank as my favourite reason ever for cancelling a training day!
We did get to do the sights (and some of the other big 5) for a few days whilst we were there, which was so much fun (If you’re friends with Charis on Facebook, I’m sure you’ve seen the photos!) A few years ago, we never would have dreamed of some of the situations we would find ourselves in but are so grateful for these surprising things we find ourselves doing!