
Wednesday, 30 January 2008

The Nightmare Begins


February hasn't really worked out like we thought. I'm normally gallivanting off somewhere for a few days, and maybe Lesley has to pop off somewhere as well at some point, but somehow we've ended up with only 3 full days when we are both at home. Not a good plan.

This is my actual calender pictured. you can't read the detail, but the coloured blocks are when one of us is away. See the problem?

There's nought to be done about our daft scheduling at this point, but I wanted to give you a run down, so you can offer up a few when you think of us. Here's the deal:

Feb 3 - 9: Paul has dragged the Global HR team from around the planet, to little-old-England (We were going to be in Orlando, but Charis is appearing in "High School Musical" that week, so Paul wanted to be in commuting distance). We're meeting in Derbyshire.
Feb 10 - 15: Paul pops off back to the US for his usual round of meetings and eating too much food
Feb 15 - 19: Having missed Valentines day (boy; I'm in trouble) Paul has a romantic drive with Lesley, as she takes him straight from Birmingham airport to Heathrow, to catch a plane or 2 to Turkey for a few days.
Feb 20 - 21: Lesley's turn. She's away with the UK Leadership Team for a couple of days.
Feb 22 - 24: We have a weekend all together. Yeah!
Feb 25 - March 1: Lesley's attending a European Member Care Forum in Lille, France

...and then we get our lives back...maybe...a bit... At least for a week or so. All intercession gratefully received. Thanks people.

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