
Monday, 10 March 2008

Sunday School Questions

Joel came home from "Sunday Club" with the usual bundle of badly folded paper and 3 post-it notes. It was quickly observed that the notes were answers to questions he had been asked that morning in his group.

The first one said "to save us". I had a pretty good guess as to what the question might have been, but I checked with Joel and sure enough it was a "Jesus" question.

The second post-it had "James Pritchet" written on it (his best mate at school). I was a little more intrigued by this one, and Joel explained it was to do with someone they wanted to come to know Jesus. Excellent stuff.

The third post-it had "hit people" written on it. However hard I tried to pursue the matter, Joel could not quite recall what the prompting question was about. I wonder what it could have been..........

I think nine is going to be an interesting age for our boy.

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